The Whitesville family is excited to honor our Military Veterans with a Heroes Breakfast Reception in our Wildcat Cafe between 8:00 and 8:45. Our program will begin at 8:45 with a special Veteran Parade entrance into our gym and will include
student performances and special guest speaker, (RET) General Dean Allen Youngman. Our students are eager to celebrate and share appreciation
for our Military Veterans.
Contact our office at 270-852-7670 if you have a
Veteran who plans to attend.
We took a deep dive into our dreams and missions to kick off the 2nd 9 weeks! During our Morning Meeting, we challenged kids to “begin with the end in mind” and focus in on their dreams and mission to lead in life! We started with the WHAT (dream) we want to be and WHO (mission) we want to be as a leader. Stay tuned as we build the HOW all month long with our vision! Ask your child to share their dream and mission! We know you’ll be so proud!
Whitesville leaders sure have big dreams, and we’re here to lay the foundation with them to make every single one come true!
#thewhitesvilleway #habit2 #ourwildcatsbeginwiththeendinmind
Get ready for some Football Fun! Wear your sports gear (no cleats please) on Friday!
We're throwing it back for some 90's fun!! Wear your 90's gear on Thursday!
Tomorrow is the BIG day!
We can't wait to see ALL of our buildings full of students and staff having a great day of learning and fun.
Our Leaders are full of Whitesville Way blue and white Spirit! Wear your Whitesville gear Wednesday!
We're totally tacky, but totally fun! It's Tacky Tuesday! Wear your craziest, tackiest, swagiest swag Tuesday!
Whitesville Kids Dream Big at School! Wear your PJ's on Monday!
What an amazing week for this EPIC ERA we’re building together! We’re so proud of the excellence we’re seeing in instruction everyday! These leaders sure love to learn with friends, and we’re cherishing all of the special moments of our year together!
#thewhitesvilleway #anEPICERAoflearningatWES #firstnineweeksinthemaking
🐾GET HYPE Wildcats!🐾
It’s gonna be the best week celebrating high attendance, student leadership, and all out Whitesville Way school spirit! Check out our spirit days next week, and show up all decked out for your team! Each day a class will be selected to win the “Wildcat Spirit Stick!” This class will be chosen by peers for representing “Whitesville Way” school spirit and all around leadership! Each day will bring BIG TIME FUN, and on Wednesday, we have so many surprises in store for students!
Congrats to Mrs. Dunaway’s classroom for being chosen by our school as the first winner! We can’t wait to see who takes it to their classroom on Monday!
Running Club Sign-ups are due Friday! This information was sent home in Family Connection Folders at the start of the week! We have extra copies in the office, and you can also use the link to view the information! Come run with your Whitesville Fam!
Good morning from these smiling faces! It’s chicken and waffles day in the Wildcat Cafe with an added bonus of fresh watermelon from Edge Farms! Our lunch ladies are always helping kids start the day off just right! Their smiles show they approve!💙
Are you ready for some Family Friendly Throwback FUN!?! Save the date for a totally awesome night out with your Whitesville Family! It’s gonna be a blast!
#anyerayoubelong #familyfriendlyfun #thewhitesvilleway
We can't wait to see everyone that comes to the Multicultural Festival tomorrow, Saturday, Aug. 19 from 10AM -4PM. This is a free community event. We will have a table with members from our Mental Health team there.
Join our PTO! Check out the flyer for more information!
Wow!!! What an AMAZING day bringing kids BACK TO SCHOOL for 2023 era! We saw tons of smiles and had the very best Whitesville welcome for our Wildcats! Thank you for helping us make this day so special! We sure hope your kiddo loved their first day, and we cannot wait to do it all again tomorrow!
#atotallyepicyearishere #thewhitesvilleway #rolledoutthecarpetforourleaders
We can’t wait to share “in the know” info with you soon! Join us for Parent Orientation Nights next week!
Parents can now use the link below (InfoFinder) to determine what their child’s bus route is along with pick-up and drop-off estimated times.
Members from the Transportation Department will be at each school’s back to school events to assist with any questions you may have about your child’s bus information. If you have any questions, please email
We are excited for another great school year in DCPS!
The Annual Stuff the Bus campaign this year for DCPS and OPS will be held Monday, July 31 from 11 a.m.-5 p.m.
Representatives from both Davies County and Owensboro Public Schools districts will be on-site at both Owensboro Walmart locations (Hwy 54 and Frederica St.). You can deliver your supplies to either location as they will be split between the two school districts.
If you are unable to make it during the event, supplies can be dropped off at either district's Central Office location.
Supplies needed:
Pens (blue, black and red)
Crayola Crayons (24 Pack)
Crayola Markers
Crayola Colored Pencils
Glue Sticks
Folders (3 prong and solid colors)
Notebooks (solid colors)
Three Ring Binders
Loose Leaf Paper
Pencil Pouches
Pencil Top Erasers
Stop in on July 31st for Preschool Orientation! If you have not registered for preschool, but plan to join, it is very important that you complete the “Preschool App” at! We cannot wait to meet you!