Students in Elementary and Middle School who pack their lunch can now receive up to three free items to accompany their packed lunch. For more details see the graphic below.
4 months ago, Maddie McClure
free lunch
🐾”What’s Up, Whitesville!” August News🐾 Each month, we’ll post a newsletter to share what to expect for your child. The newsletter shares general communication of events at Whitesville, includes at home connections if you want to integrate instruction and strategies your child is learning, Wildcat Cafe Menus, and so much more! In August, you’ll find some communication tools for families, social and emotional at home connections, PTO information, breakfast and lunch menus, and more! We strive to communicate proactively with families so that we can truly work TOGETHER FOR KIDS! If you ever have any questions about information or would like to share an idea for our news, don’t hesitate to contact us! Tricia Murphy, principal (270)852-7670 #whatsupWhitesville #AugustNews #togetherforkids
6 months ago, John Vogel
A week from today we are so excited to welcome all of our students back to our buildings for the 24-25 school year. Make sure before Wednesday, August 7: - You register your child for school. For new parents/students: Visit your child's school to begin registering for the next school year. If you are unaware of your child's school location, look it up using the link below. Re-registering: Register your child through your parent portal on Infinite Campus by clicking more and then online registration. - Fill Out the Free and Reduced Lunch form no matter your financial status Go to to complete -Check your StopFinder app for your child's bus route details.
6 months ago, Maddie McClure
first day of school
frist day of school 2
This WES preschool student independently created a pattern using hearts. "Demonstrating Knowledge of Patterns" is one of the math objectives DCPS preschool students work on throughout the school year. A WES preschool student created the letter A using interlocking blocks. Preschool is designed to develop a child's skills in all of the developmental and academic areas. Preschool helps students be better prepared for Kindergarten. Registration for DCPS Preschool and Kindergarten is currently open! To learn more visit the DCPS website to how you can register your child today!
11 months ago, Maddie McClure
wes math
Wes literacy
SAVE THE DATE! DCPS Online Registration for the 2024-2025 school year begins on Monday, March 11. This includes Pre-K and Kindergarten registration. For new parents/students: Visit your child's school to begin registering for the next school year. If you are unaware of your child's school location, look it up using the link below. Re-registering: Register your child through your parent portal on Infinite Campus by clicking more and then online registration.
11 months ago, Maddie McClure
March Attendance Madness has begun in DCPS! To help promote high attendance, we will give away prizes for each level for students who had perfect attendance all month and at each level for students who were at school all day on September 13. See the images for all the details and make sure your students are coming to school to participate! #KidsFirst #ExcellenceinLearning
12 months ago, Maddie McClure
march 2
march 3
Preschool and Kindergarten registration is scheduled from March 11-22! To learn more how you can register your child, Go to, click on "Pre-K and K 2024-2025 Registration" in the News Section. We can't wait to have your child join the DCPS family next year.
12 months ago, Maddie McClure
DCPS schools will be in session on Monday, February 19. This is serving as Makeup Day 1.
12 months ago, Maddie McClure
presidents day
💯🐾100 DAYS OF “THE WHITESVILLE WAY!”🐾💯 It is so hard to believe we’re already to the 100th day of school, but here we are livin’ our best lives as a Whitesville Wildcat and enjoying every minute! #Happy100Days #livinourbestlifeasaWildcat #thewhitesvilleway
about 1 year ago, John Vogel
🐾Proud to be a SAFE Whitesville Wildcat! 🐾 Our school family participated in the Kentucky Center for School Safety Assessment to continue creating the safest school environment possible for our children! Thank you for your responses to our safety surveys, to the staff and students who shared their voices, and to all the parents/guardians who gave their time to be interviewed today. Safety is always our highest priority, and we’re so grateful to gain insight from a team of the most experienced school professionals! #thewhitesvilleway #leadershipleadstoexcellence #kidsfirstalways
about 1 year ago, John Vogel
Family Paint Night was AWESOME!!! Just check out these sweet artists and how proud they are of their families masterpieces! We loved seeing this idea come to life, and we cannot wait to see these creative “ceiling tiles” displayed! Thank you to everyone who made this night such a huge success, and a special shout-out to Mr. Vogel for leading the way!
about 1 year ago, John Vogel
As we enter the winter weather season, we want to remind our families about our winter weather policies.
about 1 year ago, Maddie McClure
What an awesome week kicking off 2024 in this EPIC ERA! We loved welcoming students back and seeing them jump right in to learn! It may have just been three days, but it was packed full of family, leadership, and excellence! Take a look at some of the awesome things going on for this era, and it’s clear to see that kids are already rocking their goals in 2024! #thewhitesvilleway #anEPICERAoflearningatWES #thirdnineweeksletsgetit #inmy2024Era
about 1 year ago, John Vogel
A $1,000 is still up for grabs if you refer a bus driver or monitor to DCPS. Learn more at the link below:
about 1 year ago, Maddie McClure
bus driver
bus  driver
Creating moments like these, through the eyes of a child, brings our hearts the greatest JOY! We hope your family walked away with the best memories to add to the 23-24 era! Thank you for joining us for our 2023 Holiday Stroll! Share your memories with us! 💙❄️💙
about 1 year ago, John Vogel
Whitesville family, this week we’re so excited about one of our all-time favorite events! We’ve been so busy preparing, and we can’t wait to deck the bus lane for magical memories with kids! It’s going to be an amazing night in this 2023-2024 era, and one that we know will fill your heart with so much JOY! Come out anytime between 5:30 and 7:00! ❄️Stations will not open until 5:30. ❄️Kindergarten pop-up performance begins at 6:00! ❄️Wildcat Singers take the stage at 6:30! ❄️Tuesday morning arrival will be adjusted with the bus lane shifting to the parking lot, so please expect slight delays for the car rider line.
about 1 year ago, John Vogel
A $1,000 is still up for grabs if you refer a bus driver or monitor to DCPS. Learn more at the link below:
about 1 year ago, Maddie McClure
We had 185 Turkey's submitted for this year's Disguise A Turkey project! On the Google Form linked below are the top 21 turkeys in the school voted on by the Grade Level teams here at WES! Vote for your TOP 3 Turkeys to see who disguised their turkey the best this year! Voting closes on Monday at 8am!!
about 1 year ago, John Vogel
Spend a day in one of our classrooms as a substitute! For Permanent District Substitute status with an earned Bachelor's Degree is $130 per day with benefits included. For Permanent District Substitute status with 64 college credits or more without an earned Bachelor's Degree is $120 per day with benefits included. To sign up for any substitute positions across our district, please email:
over 1 year ago, Maddie McClure
sub 1
sub 2
Whitesville Elementary will be hosting our annual "Season of Giving" Thanksgiving Frood Drive Starting Wednesday, November 1st - Friday, November 17th The winning grade level will win a Pizza and Pajama Party!
over 1 year ago, John Vogel