All Online Registration for the 25-26 school year opens today! We can't wait to have your student learning in our buildings next year. Use the links below to get your student registered. New Student: Visit the student's school to begin registration. Re-Registering Student: Visit Pre-School: Afterschool:
5 days ago, Maddie McClure
SAVE THE DATE! DCPS Online Registration for the 2025-2026 school year begins on Monday, March 10. This includes Pre-K and Kindergarten registration. For new parents/students: Visit your child's school to begin registering for the next school year. If you are unaware of your child's school location, look it up using the link below. Re-registering: Register your child through your parent portal on Infinite Campus by clicking more and then online registration.
10 days ago, Maddie McClure
A week from today we are so excited to welcome all of our students back to our buildings for the 24-25 school year. Make sure before Wednesday, August 7: - You register your child for school. For new parents/students: Visit your child's school to begin registering for the next school year. If you are unaware of your child's school location, look it up using the link below. Re-registering: Register your child through your parent portal on Infinite Campus by clicking more and then online registration. - Fill Out the Free and Reduced Lunch form no matter your financial status Go to to complete -Check your StopFinder app for your child's bus route details.
8 months ago, Maddie McClure
first day of school
frist day of school 2
Congratulations to members of the DCHS FFA Crop Scouting Team for placing 2nd in the State Contest and will go on to represent KY at the National Contest in September in Minnesota. Members of the DCHS FFA Crop Scouting team are: Jonathan Berry, Jamison French, Charlie Evans, Ben Caldbeck, and Wyatt Hayes
8 months ago, Maddie McClure
crop team
The DCPS Summer Driver's Ed program is now accepting applications. This program will run from May 28 - June 14. For more details, click the link below.
12 months ago, Maddie McClure
drivers ed
The Class of 2024 graduations have been set. We are excited to celebrate all of our graduates in May!
12 months ago, Maddie McClure
SAVE THE DATE! DCPS Online Registration for the 2024-2025 school year begins on Monday, March 11. This includes Pre-K and Kindergarten registration. For new parents/students: Visit your child's school to begin registering for the next school year. If you are unaware of your child's school location, look it up using the link below. Re-registering: Register your child through your parent portal on Infinite Campus by clicking more and then online registration.
about 1 year ago, Maddie McClure
March Attendance Madness has begun in DCPS! To help promote high attendance, we will give away prizes for each level for students who had perfect attendance all month and at each level for students who were at school all day on September 13. See the images for all the details and make sure your students are coming to school to participate! #KidsFirst #ExcellenceinLearning
about 1 year ago, Maddie McClure
march 2
march 3
The big game is happening tonight at 6 PM at Apollo High School. Come out and support your team.
about 1 year ago, Maddie McClure
Students from the DCHS Juntos club are working to create connections with younger students across the district through their Nos conectamos events, meaning "we connect." Members of the club visited East View Elementary to read and play games with other English Learner students and create connections.
about 1 year ago, Maddie McClure
DCPS schools will be in session on Monday, February 19. This is serving as Makeup Day 1.
about 1 year ago, Maddie McClure
presidents day
Daviess County High School FFA students visited Frankfort to meet with legislatures about agriculture issues, while there Governor Beshear signed a proclamation in advance of National FFA Week beginning next week. Students also got to meet Represenative Chad Aull, a DCHS FFA alumni who served as a State FFA Vice President. Photo Credit to the Governor's Office.
about 1 year ago, Maddie McClure
Calling all Middle School and High School girls! Owensboro Community & Technical College will host their 7th Annual Girls Empowerment Trailblazer Dinner on February 29, 2024. The evening will include a program fair beginning at 4:30PM for then the main event begins at 5:30 PM . The main event includes a free meal and keynote speaker Aisha Bowe. For more information visit:
about 1 year ago, Maddie McClure
Calling all 8th-grade students and families, the 2024 Empower U showcase dates are set. We can't wait to show you all the opportunities to jumpstart your future with our various academies. You can attend either session, regardless of where you will attend high school! Applications for the academies will go live on February 1!
about 1 year ago, Maddie McClure
life science
early college
As we enter the winter weather season, we want to remind our families about our winter weather policies.
about 1 year ago, Maddie McClure
A $1,000 is still up for grabs if you refer a bus driver or monitor to DCPS. Learn more at the link below:
about 1 year ago, Maddie McClure
bus driver
bus  driver
A $1,000 is still up for grabs if you refer a bus driver or monitor to DCPS. Learn more at the link below:
over 1 year ago, Maddie McClure
AHS and DCHS Student Councils are proud to present this year's DCPS 12 Days of Christmas! All schools are encouraged to participate to help spread holiday cheer leading up to Christmas Break.
over 1 year ago, Maddie McClure
12 days
Spend a day in one of our classrooms as a substitute! For Permanent District Substitute status with an earned Bachelor's Degree is $130 per day with benefits included. For Permanent District Substitute status with 64 college credits or more without an earned Bachelor's Degree is $120 per day with benefits included. To sign up for any substitute positions across our district, please email:
over 1 year ago, Maddie McClure
sub 1
sub 2
This Saturday, September 30, the Daviess County High School Marching Band will host their Fall Spectacular competition at Reid Stadium. The show begins at 6 PM with the first band performance at 6:45 PM. Tickets are $10. This will be a great evening of student performances by both Apollo High School Marching Eagles and the DCHS Band of Pride.
over 1 year ago, Maddie McClure
dchs band