Parents and Guardians,
It was a short week last week as teachers had time for professional learning on Friday, so our newsletter is a Monday newsletter! It's a big week in the Foxes Den this week and we want our families to know what is happening.
Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on September 26th from 4pm-6pm. The cafeteria will be providing their famous Crispitos for dinner!
October 1st will be our Pink Out Football Game at Apollo High School. We will tailgate here at BMS and provide transportation to Apollo for the first 150 students who sign up when tickets go on sale on September 25th. Students will be able to stay after school that day and rider the bus to Apollo, but will need to be picked up by 8:30 pm that evening.
Starting Wednesday, we will have Spirit Week to celebrate Tuesday’s Pink Out game.
Wednesday–Western Day
Thursday–Favorite Holiday
Friday–Fake an Injury Day (no fake crutches allowed on the field trip)
Monday–Jersey Day
Tuesday–All out Blue and Pink Day for Football Game
This Friday all students will go to the Riverpark for a school-wide field trip to see the performance Cuentos!
Have a great week! Go Foxes!
Kendra Bronsink
Burns Middle School