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Parents and Guardians, 

We continue to celebrate with our staff and students the best first month of the school year we can remember.  We have settled into the year and students are busy taking their first round of MAP tests this week and next.  We also have many exciting events in the next several weeks.  Tomorrow we have the Color Blast Dance from 3:30 to 5:00 pm, which all students are welcome to attend if they have purchased tickets. Tickets can still be purchased tomorrow for $6.00. Students should wear or bring an outfit they don’t mind to get paint stains on.  

Next week we will be hosting the book fair from Monday through Friday, September 9 - September 13th.  Students will have an opportunity to visit and purchase books.  

Monday, September 9, is picture day.  Students will be bringing home forms to pre-order pictures.  Please ask your student for these.  

Next Thursday, September 12 is also a HIGH ATTENDANCE DAY!  Make every effort to get your student to school on time that day and to schedule appointments on other days.  If our school has the highest attendance on Thursday, all of our students who attend next Thursday–all day–will be eligible for a drawing for Air Pod Pro earbuds! All students who have perfect attendance for September will also be eligible for a drawing.  So make attendance a priority for your student!

Parent Teacher Conferences will be held Thursday, September 26th, from 4 pm-6 pm.  Put it on your calendar and make plans to meet your students’ teachers and learn more about their progress! In the meantime, do not forget to log in to the Infinite Campus parent portal to check your student’s grades, or ask them to pull up their grades and show you their progress!  We are halfway through the semester already! 

As many of you have seen while driving onto our campus, the renovation of our track and field has begun and we are so excited!  As a result, our two home football games on September 17th, and October 1st will both be held at Apollo High School.  While we are anxious to get back on our field, this will be a great opportunity for our students to play on their future field!

And lastly, congratulations to Lorie Hayden who is the newest parent representative member of our SBDM council!  

Have a great weekend, and Go Foxes!

Kendra Bronsink


Burns Middle School