Dear Parents/Guardians,
It’s been another great week in the Foxes’ Den! Please be sure to read this letter fully as it contains important information.
As we move into the fall and sickness starts to spread, keep up with any delays or changes in your student's bus route by downloading the App STOPFINDER. You view your students' daily transportation assignments and receive notifications and updates related to transportation. The Stopfinder app is available for download in the App Store as well as Google Play. Access to student bus schedules is granted only to the student’s primary designated contact by the Transportation Department. The primary Stopfinder contact, at their own discretion, may share their student’s bus schedule with caregivers (sub-subscribers.) An invitation to activate your Stopfinder account has been sent via email. Please Contact the DCPS Transportation Dept 270-852-7080 If you haven’t received an email invitation to register for Stopfinder or if you have any questions regarding your student’s bus schedule
Daviess County Public Schools continues to focus on every student's mental health and their social-emotional needs. Each of our schools has a team in place that includes: school counselors, school psychologists, student assistance coordinators, youth service coordinators, teachers, nurses, and administration that work to support the physical, social, and psychological well-being of every student.
In Kentucky, KRS 156.095 requires every middle and high school student to receive suicide prevention information annually by September 15. To proactively address this topic the district will use a program called Signs of Suicide (SOS). SOS is listed on the Substance Abuse And Mental
Health Services Administration's National Registry of Evidence-Based
Programs and Practices. Through this program, students will learn:
that depression is treatable, so they are encouraged to seek Help;
how to identify depression and potential suicide risk factors in themselves or a friend;
to ACT (Acknowledge, Care, and Tell a trusted adult) if concerned about themselves or a friend;
who they can turn to at school for help if they need it.
Our teachers will talk with students about healthy ways to cope with emotions, increase resiliency, identify trusted adults should they find themselves in an emotional crisis, and provide information on local and national crisis line contacts. This will take place on Tuesday, September 3, 2024. Suicide is a serious topic, and it is important to remember that it IS preventable. If you have any questions please contact your school counselor at 270-852-7400 or by email at the addresses listed below. School counselor by grade level:
6th Grade, 7th grade-Expos - Chantay Taylor
7th Grade-Colonels, 8th Grade - Faith Butler
The following parents have been nominated for the SBDM at BMS. Please stop by the front office and vote for a candidate to represent you! Voting will be open all of this week.
Matt Rhoads
Otilla Dominguez Morales
Lorie Hayden
Have a great week and stay cool!
Kendra Bronsink
Burns Middle School