Parents and Guardians,
As we begin our second full week of school, I would like to celebrate what a great start to the school year it has been. For those of you who have first-year students at BMS, you will hear us repeat our school-wide expectations frequently: be kind, be responsible, and be respectful. Already, we have seen countless acts of kindness, responsibility, and respect for each other! This year our focus is creating a deeper sense of belonging at Burns–for our students, our faculty, and our staff. Showing kindness, responsibility, and respect for each other helps to build that sense of belonging.
We have also taken time to emphasize to our students how important it is to try new things and be a part of an athletic, academic, or speech team, or choir, band, or orchestra. We were all beginners once and many of us began something new in middle school. Taking risks and being a part of something bigger than ourselves deepens that sense of belonging for all of us!
The academic team has tryouts this week on Monday and Tuesday from 3:30-4:30. Students can see Ms. Young if they need more details. The Speech team information meeting is on Tuesday at 5:00. Students can see Mrs. Dunn if they need more details.
Our teams are off to a great start. Volleyball won their games this week as well as our middle school boys' soccer team. All of our teams play this week so come out and support them (schedule is listed below)!
Thank you to all the parents for your continued attention to detail in the new car-rider line. Don’t forget to always pull up as far as possible to drop your student off so the line can move quickly and effectively. Also, continue to remind your students to look both ways when entering and exiting their cars both in the morning and the afternoon! Don’t forget to turn in those lunch forms! We need them from everyone to help us continue to qualify for free lunch and to fund important programs for our school. Students can purchase extra a-la-cart items at lunch, but must have lunch money with them or in thier lunch account.
This Wednesday we are celebrating Hawaii’s statehood, so students are encouraged to wear Hawaiian shirts, leis, grass skirts, and anything else Hawaiian!
I know it's going to be another great week in the Den! Go Foxes!
Kendra Bronsink
Burns Middle School
This Week at a Glance
Monday, August 19
3:30-4:30 pm Academic Team Tryouts
5:00 pm Volleyball @ Mary Carrico
5:30 pm Girls’ Soccer away @ Owensboro Catholic
Tuesday, August 20
5:00 pm Volleyball at OMS
Wednesday, August 21
5:00 pm Speech Team Parent information meeting
5:30 pm Girls’ Soccer home vs. OMS @ Apollo
7:00 pm Boys’ Soccer home vs. OMS @ Apollo
Thursday, August 22
5:00 Volleyball home vs. DCMS
5:30 Boys’ Soccer home vs. Owensboro Catholic @ Apollo
5:30 Football @ Henderson North Middle