Parents and Guardians, 

We have had a fantastic start to the new school year.  Thousands of handshakes, fist bumps, high fives, and hugs have been given and the cafeteria has been all smiles.  We hope your students are starting to feel like they BELONG at Burns.  We love the energy our students bring each day!  Just a reminder that this week we will be on regular schedule (block schedule Monday through Thursday and all classes meet on Friday).

Thank you to all of you who have quickly adapted to our car rider line changes.  Remember if you bring your student after 8, please drop them off in front of the school.  We have reduced our afternoon car rider wait time by 15 minutes!   Be sure to continue entering near the football field, leaving space for intersecting busses as well as intersecting cars from the rear parking lot.  Be sure to remind your students who are exiting your cars to look both ways before crossing.  If you are picking up your student in the afternoon PLEASE BE AT THE SCHOOL BY 3:30 pm! Now that the line is moving faster many of our students and faculty are waiting for the parents well after the line has cleared. 

Your students have also done a fantastic job of adjusting to a few new faces, and a few new procedures in our morning transitions.  And we have noticed countless acts of kindness, responsibility, and respect already!  It’s going to be a fantastic year!

Don’t forget to fill out the lunch application!  All students get free lunch in DCPS middle schools this year, but we need families to fill out these lunch applications so we can continue to get benefits like these and other important programs and resources for our students.

We will begin our safety drills this week.  In the event of a real emergency, we will communicate with families as quickly as possible, but please make note that this week we are practicing those drills. 

Have a great week!

Kendra Bronsink


Burns Middle School