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I hope everyone had a restful Thanksgiving Break.  It’s hard to believe we are in December and we are just three weeks away from the Winter Break.  There are many wonderful things happening in the Foxes’ Den so be sure to visit our website, and be sure to read our Talking Point updates. Friday we had our Christmas Dance!  What a great time to kick off the Christmas season.  This past weekend our 6th grade acacemis team participated in the KY Colonels 6th grade showcase.  The Burns Middle School Quick Recall team placed third overall. Many of our students also placed in the individual competition. 

 We have a girls' basketball game at home against Owensboro Middle School on Tuesday at 5:00 pm and a boys' basketball game at home against College View Middle School on Thursday at 5:00 pm.  This week we also have a band concert on December 8 at 6:00 pm. Come out and support our Foxes as they compete and perform!

The temperatures this week indicate that winter is on its way! With that in mind, we want to communicate the plans if/when we have inclement weather and cannot come to the school building. On days of inclement weather, DCPS families will receive a phone call or text message from Superintendent Robbins informing us if it is a “Traditional Snow Day” (which means no school) or a  “DCPS@Home Day." On DCPS@home days,  students will need to log into their Google Classroom according to the times specified in the DCPS@Home Schedule provided below.   During a DCPS@Home Day, attendance will be taken by the teacher in the form of participation, so make sure your student is logging in to do the work requested and participating in class.  If you do not have internet access, the student will be required to check with the teacher upon return to school to get any missing work and will have five days to get the work turned back in for their grade. We will work to update all of our social media accounts once weather-related decisions are made. 

Here is the link to our BMS schedule for these DCPS@home days.

As sicknesses increase in the wintertime, so do absences.  As the second quarter of the school year winds down, please remind your student how important it is to be at school and how important it is to make sure their assignments are completed on time! 

Have a great week, and Go Foxes!

Kendra Bronsink

Burns Middle School Principal