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Burns Parents and Guardians, 

          It seems unbelievable that next week is Thanksgiving!  This newsletter will cover last week and this coming week as we only have school on Monday and Tuesday this week.  In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I want to publicly thank all the people who make Burns Middle School a great place to teach and learn.  Our school day takes the efforts and cooperation of many people to make each day happen.  Our transportation staff is up bright and early to get our students to school.  Our cafeteria staff also begins their day very early by preparing meals for our students.  Our custodial staff is here prepping for the day as well.  Teachers and assistants arrive before school to greet our students at the door.  Our front office staff answers phone calls, greets parents, and answers hundreds of questions to help start the day.  Once the day starts, our teachers engage middle school students for seven hours!  When the school day ends, the extracurriculars begin.  Coaches and sponsors not only coach our students in skills but also take the time to mentor our students and create meaningful relationships that outlast a season.  We have a fantastic faculty and staff who serve our fantastic students and families and I am deeply grateful! 

          Thank you to all who sent in food items for our Thanksgiving food drive this past week!  We’ll announce the winner of the competition on Monday.  Also this week, our Tech Ed and Computer Applications classes took their eighth-grade classes to Owensboro Community Technical College (OCTC) to tour and experience all the opportunities that OCTC has to offer them in the future.  Tickets are now on sale in the mornings before school for our Christmas Dance, on December 1, from 7 pm to 9 pm.  

          Congratulations to our Cheerleading Team on their regional wins this weekend securing a bid to nationals!  And don’t forget, you can see updates of pictures, events, and lunch menus on our website!

Enjoy your Thanksgiving Break!

Kendra Bronsink

Burns Middle School Principal