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Greetings parents and guardians! 

It’s been another great week of being a Fox. We celebrated the successes of our school with the release of our School Report Card data based on the KSA (Kentucky State Assessment) data. As I explained in my letter home to each student with their personal achievement data, each area of Reading, Math, Social Studies, Science, Writing, English Language proficiency, and School Culture and Climate is scored, weighted, and combined together to give a school its overall rating. The rating is a number, which the state then assigns a color. The color scale, in descending order, is blue, green, yellow, orange, and red. The overall rating is calculated based on performance on the exams as well as the change from the previous year’s results. We saw a huge improvement in our Writing and Social Studies scores. We also saw good growth in the areas of Reading Proficiency, English Language Proficiency, and achievement for our students with disabilities. These were all goals we made last year and I’m incredibly proud of the work that was done by all our students, teachers, administrators, and families to achieve this goal. We are still labeled a Yellow school which is in the middle, but we came within 0.3 percentage points of a high-achieving school.

 There are great things happening at Burns Middle School and I am so excited about where we are going! I have no doubt that we have hired a fantastic staff of teachers and administrators who will continue to drive the steady improvement we are already experiencing and celebrating. I hope you had a chance to see your student's individual scores which we sent home last week and have taken the time to discuss your student’s goals for the upcoming year! Improvement doesn’t happen on its own, it is a joint effort of teachers, administrators, students, and families. And we are so glad that you and your student(s) are on our team! Here is a link to the details of the score.

This past week we had three eighth-grade students, Ty Gabbard, Aaron Krampe, and Rachel Krampe attend the FFA (Future Farmers of America) national convention with their Agriculture teacher. For those of you with sixth and seventh-grade students, the Agriculture class is an opportunity for students to gain a high school credit in their eighth-grade year–and experience opportunities like participation in Apollo’s FFA chapter. 

  Next week is another busy week! Basketball season is kicking off. On Tuesday we do not have school for election day.  And Friday we will celebrate our Veterans Day!  If you have a Veteran who would like to attend the ceremony or a Veteran who you would like to be honored, your student can pick up a form in the front office. Be sure to review the change in schedule with your student for next week. We will not have a Friday schedule on Friday due to the Veteran’s Day program 

Monday–Block schedule 1, 3, 5, 7

Tuesday--NO SCHOOL

Wednesday–Block schedules 2, 4, 6, 8

Thursday–Block schedule 1, 3, 5, 7

Friday–Block schedule 2, 4, 8, 6 (the last two blocks will switch to allow homeroom (Den) time to be at the end of the day for the Veteran’s Day program)

Have a great weekend and Go Foxes!

Kendra Bronsink

Burns Middle School Principal