Burns’ parents and guardians,
It was a great return to the classroom in the Foxes’ Den this week after fall break! We had our first orchestra concert, we celebrated our students who were top sellers for the discount card fundraiser, and basketball season is in full swing. This week our Guys and Ties program was also featured on Eyewitness News! A clip has been posted on our website.
This week is Red Ribbon Week where we focus our vision on making healthy choices that are drug and alcohol-free. We will have activities and a speaker focusing on the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse. Also this week, on October 26, we will be hosting our annual Fright Night. This is a school-wide fundraiser with a silent auction and games. Tickets will be sold for a dollar to play games and enter the very spooky haunted house! Hot dogs and pizza will also be available.
On the afternoon of Friday, November 10, we will be hosting our annual Veteran’s Day program to honor the veterans in our Burns Middle School community. If you or one of your student’s family members has served our country in any of the armed services, we would love to invite you to share in this experience. Students can pick up invitations in the front office so we can adequately prepare for the number of guests who will be attending.
As we start this new nine weeks, we continue to emphasize the importance of being at school, being in class, and completing our assignments on time. As holidays and winter illnesses will interrupt this nine-week grading period, encourage your students to communicate with their teachers about assignments and projects. In the next week, you will be receiving your child's KSA individual scores, MAP scores, and report cards. This is a powerful tool for having conversations about your student's academic goals for the year. We as teachers and parents are in this together as we all try to do what is best to help our students grow academically and socially! Have a great week!
Here are next week's Dress Up Days for Red Ribbon Week
Monday--You have the Super Power to be Drug Free! (Dress up as a superhero)
Tuesday-Double Up against Drugs! (Twin Day)
Wednesday-My Future is Bright without Drugs! (Wear Neon Colors)
Thursday-Say Boo to Drugs! (Halloween costume day--no face masks)
Friday-Be RED-y to be Drug-Free! (Wear Red!)
Kendra Bronsink
Principal, Burns Middle School