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Happy Friday!  I hope your students enjoyed a day off from school.  Our teachers spent the first half of our day working on strategies to support our students with language learning needs and then we spent the second half of our day looking at data, celebrating growth,  and reflecting on how we can continue to increase achievement.  Burns Middle School is blessed with hard-working, problem-solving teachers who are always looking for ways to grow.  

This week we have continued to work on the skills of community building both through our instructional strategies and in our Den Time lessons.  Our students are also continuing to work towards becoming responsible digital citizens.  This week the lessons focused on preventing and responding to cyberbullying.  Ask your students about what they have learned!

We are already winding down our fall sports seasons.  Just like our teachers, our coaches play an important role in teaching our students life skills of teamwork, hustle, respect, and consistency.  Thursday night,  we celebrated eighth-grade night at the volleyball game.  This coming week, we will have Spirit Week as we celebrate our Pink Out football game versus Daviess County Middle School on Thursday, September 28th.  Thursday we will have a pep rally and all week we will celebrate.  Dress-up days are as follows: Monochromatic Monday, Barbie and Ken Tuesday, Socks with Crocs, Flops, or Birkenstocks Wednesday, All out Pink and Blue Thursday, and Jersey Day Friday! Encourage your child to participate in the fun this week.  

Mark your calendars for make-up pictures on October 25th. 

Have a great weekend!  

Kendra Bronsink

Principal, Burns Middle School