

Daviess County Public Schools 2024 Kentucky State Assessment Test Scores are now public. Our scores now provide more data points than in previous years. Senate Bill 158 (2020) made several changes to the statewide accountability system, including the establishment of “status” and “change” as ways to evaluate state indicators. “Status” represents a school’s performance on a state indicator for the current year, while “change” represents the school’s performance on the indicator for the current year compared with the previous year. Status and change combine to provide an indicator performance rating color for each state indicator. This will be the second year where change is reported. To learn more about the accountability system, click here.

One of the most significant challenges of reviewing the state accountability scores is the multiple pathways to get to a specific score or performance rating color.  What remains constant in Kentucky’s accountability system is the goal that all students score proficient or higher in the content areas of reading, math, science, social studies, and writing, graduating from high school on time and ready for a variety of post-secondary opportunities.  

DCPS uses multiple data sources from assessments besides KSA that help drive our instruction and our response to students’ academic needs to help every student reach excellence in their learning. Daviess County Public Schools prides itself on its learning environments at all of its buildings, which focus on challenging every person across the district to grow and learn every day. Before the KSA testing window began, our students were reminded of excellence and the importance of striving to be the best in everything they do. 

DCPS KSA scores reflect the hard work of our students, educators, and families.  The percentage of students scoring proficient or higher in reading increased at the elementary and high school levels.  In mathematics, the percentage of students scoring proficient or higher held or increased at all levels.  

Kentucky’s accountability includes change as a major component.  Often, a school’s percent proficient or higher may increase, but not as much as it did last year.  This could make an indicator decline even though more students are proficient.  

Jana Beth Francis, assistant superintendent of teaching and learning, said, “Daviess County Public Schools will strive to achieve excellence through a focus on learning together about how to be more responsive to students’ needs so all students are successful.”

Since August, all schools have had individual access to their scores, which they have used to guide their learning objectives and academic focus areas for this school year. Parents will receive copies of their students’ scores over the next few weeks. Daviess County Public Schools continues to work Together For Kids in learning and striving to be the best in everything we do! 

Superintendent Charles Broughton said the following about KSA scores; “Our expectation is for each school to continually improve, with a focus on students achieving proficient or distinguished results in multiple assessed areas. While we have seen improvement, we acknowledge that there is still work to be done for accountability status to reflect the exceptional education experience we strive to provide daily, while preparing students for success beyond high school.”